
20 Easy Ways to Simplify Your Life!

20 Easy Ways to Simplify Your Life!

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2021-07-07 17:29:22

 It’s always important to lead simple, uncomplicated and stress-free lives, especially during the tough times we’re facing right now!

Here are 20 easy things you can do in your day-to-day that will also help you become more efficient, save money and energy, all while you become healthier, more productive and improve your overall wellbeing!

  1. Set monthly goals.

Instead of New Year’s resolutions, set yourself 1-3 goals each month. This will allow you to start new habits, break down larger goals into manageable chunks, and achieve things you’ve been meaning to do for a long time.

  1. Carry a water bottle everywhere.

We all know staying hydrated is an important part of staying healthy, but it’s so much easier to do it if you keep a water bottle with you at all times. Also, aim for a reusable bottle!

  1. Declutter your closet.

Get rid of anything in your closet that you haven’t worn in over 6 months! This will save you time every morning when you’re choosing your outfit.

  1. Write email tasks on paper.

If you’re overwhelmed by all of the emails in your inbox, start at the top and write down any requests you’ve received or action items that need to get done. Seeing these tasks on paper helps you prioritize and can help you be more efficient with your time (instead of flicking back and forth between emails deciding which one to tackle next).

  1. Follow a quick morning routine.

Not everyone has time for an elaborate morning routine! Make things a little simpler and incorporate establish a well, thought-out morning routine that will help you save time and stay on track!

  1. Pack an on-the-go kit.

You know when you have to make an unexpected overnight trip and need to pack in a hurry? Instead of worrying about whether you’re going to forget something, keep a pre-packed kit of products under your bathroom sink so you can grab it in a hurry. 

  1. Use the 50/30/20 rule.

When it comes to budgeting money, most of us are pretty clueless. A good rule of thumb is to spend 50% of your monthly income on living expenses, 30% on lifestyle, and 20% should go to savings. Look for the best money-managing apps and start planning your monthly expenses!

  1. Buy a crockpot.

Not only are they really affordable, but crockpots can make even the worst of chefs into Jamie Oliver, and you get to come home to a meal that’s ready to eat immediately. BAM!

  1. Unsubscribe from emails.

You know what takes up unnecessary time? Emails you don’t care about. See how many lists you’re subscribed to with and unsubscribe from the ones you no longer wish to receive.

  1. Meal-prep.

If you prepare your meals ahead of time, you’ll make healthier choices by avoiding take-out food and you’ll also save a lot of money each month. 

  1. Get a purse organizer.

Keep a little bag in your purse or work backpack where you can store easily-lost necessities like chapstick, hand lotion, bobby pins, hand wipes, pens, etc. 

  1. Switch to the cloud.

Instead of having to drag around a flash drive with you, start saving your documents to OneDrive or Google Drive. You’ll be able to access your files anywhere, plus you avoid those duplicate files that drive you crazy because you don’t know which one is the current version.

  1. Plan your workouts.

If you go to the gym without a plan in mind, you’re either a) not even going to make it out the door or b) get frustrated because you don’t know where to start. Scheduling workouts into your calendar really helps with accountability and making sure you feel prepared.

  1. Always have vinegar in your pantry.

Vinegar is a very dynamic ingredient that will be useful for pretty much everything. With vinegar you can clean your house, clean your jewelry, prevent running colors in your laundry, remove stains, remove candle wax, unclog drains, remove bumper stickers…the list goes on! Talk about a product that makes life easier.

  1. Listen to podcasts & audiobooks. 

You get to learn about different topics of your interest, while doing stuff that might otherwise be wasting your time (i.e. commuting). 

  1. Fold your clothes so they stand up.

Here’s a little tip from Marie Kondo: Instead of folding your clothes and laying them flat on top of each other, fold them and store them standing up. This way, you can instantly find what you’re looking for, and you don’t make a huge mess trying to pull something out from the bottom of the pile.

  1. Create a follow-up email folder.

Instead of letting read emails pile up in your inbox because you don’t know what to do with them, move them to a follow-up folder. Pick a day of the week and check your follow-up folder to make sure you don’t forget about things.

  1. Keep healthy snacks at your desk.

Most offices have an unlimited supply of chips or candy that you probably tend to gravitate towards during the afternoon, but they’re not really doing your body or brain any good. Instead, keep a stash of healthy snacks at your desk to perk yourself up and feel less defeated during the workday.

  1. Write your to-do list for the following day before you go to bed.

Instead of taking 10 minutes to prepare your to-do list in the morning (when you could already be getting down to business), write your list before bed. This way, those pesky to-dos will be out of your head, and you’ll have much a more peaceful sleep.

  1. Slow down.

So many of us are rushing through life, trying to get a million things done at once while attempting to absorb as much information as we can at the same time. Take a few minutes to think about the areas of your life where you’ve been rushing and come up with a plan to slow down and be a little more deliberate. 

Tags: #EasySteps, #SimpleLife | Fecha de publicación: 2021-07-07 17:29:22
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