
All Work and No Play – Not Today!

All Work and No Play – Not Today!

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2021-01-28 09:14:13

While we hope you always have a safe, productive and fun day at work, take a few moments today to have a little fun. Today we celebrate National Have Fun at Work Day! Too often, people forget the importance of fun in their lives and can lead them down a path of stress and exhaustion. Taking five to ten minutes out of your workday to enjoy the smaller things in life can lead to an increase in your engagement, productivity and creativity while you work. There are several small things you can do throughout the day to help relax and have fun!

  • Tell someone a funny joke.

o  Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use a honey-comb!

  • Go out of your way to compliment someone.

o  Complimenting someone doesn’t just make the person happy but you will also start to feel happy.

  • Talk to your co-workers.

o  We are a team! It’s important to check in with the people that you work with every day. Discuss plans for the weekend or other fun plans you may have.

  • Listen to your favorite song at some point during the day.

o  Don’t be afraid to dance like no one is watching!

  • Draw or doodle on a blank piece of paper.

o  Even just drawing a bunch of circles is proven to reduce stress!

  • Meditate

o  Take a Minute to just clear you mind and relax!

For more ways to have fun while working, please click here.



Tags: #nationalfunatworkday, #workisfun | Fecha de publicación: 2021-01-28 09:14:13
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