
We are committed to eliminating violence against women.

We are committed to eliminating violence against women.

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2019-11-28 14:48:54

Since 1981, November 25th has been the annual date to commemorate International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. It is the day to condemn the violence that is exerted upon women worldwide, and to demand laws and policies in all countries so that they can contribute to eliminating this violence.

Worldwide, one in three women has experienced physical or sexual violence, mainly from a relationship they are in. Whether at home, at work or on the street, violence against women takes place in public and private spaces.

The United Nations Organization has created this global movement that intends to “dress the world in orange” in order to raise awareness and knowledge on the issue, to gradually contribute to eliminating it.

At Argos, we have joined in on these global efforts. We also confirm our commitment to working in a company and having a work environment free from violence and where respect for everyone prevails equally, but we also assume this vision for our family environments.

Enjoy the pictures of the recreational activities that we carried out as a team in our different operations in Honduras, Panama and the Dominican Republic.

For read more, click here

Fecha de publicación: 2019-11-28 14:48:54
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