We constantly promote the adhesion to the safety and health principles in our company. This is why we launched a virtual experience of OH&S moments.
In the first meeting Edgar Martinez, our leader, gave us a special message of encouragement and hope for the future and about the importance of respecting the biosafety measures.
In the second moment, our Office Managers addressed the staff about the importance of a proper handling of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases in our operations.
About this, Edgar said: “With this new context we have been called to deliver the very best version of ourselves and our biggest effort to make it through in this new environment. These meetings are intended to encourage ourselves to commit with the biosafety measures, to act with discipline and to have a constant communication among the teams. I want to invite you all to continue working as a team, taking care of each other, protecting our families and taking the health and safety guidelines with the seriousness it deserves”.
“As the Operations Manager for Argos USVI Corp, I consider this training to be paramount when we take into account the current state of the pandemic. As the leader of the operations, my team looks to me for guidance and to be an example as it relates to following the protocols that were implemented. Because of these two guiding principles, I found this meeting to be critical. It aided in ensuring that my team understands where we are as a company and how we plan to address any potential and confirmed cases. This meeting also helped me to gain a better understanding of my team’s perception of the protocols”, said Deon McCurdy, terminal manager of Saint Thomas.