While February is most well known for Valentine’s day and, of course, Superbowl Sunday, it is also known for National Heart Health Month. According to the CDC, the leading cause of death in the United States was heart disease in 2019. That is why the surgeon general has decided to raise awareness for hypertension, one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease. The reason being that hypertension is preventable. You can have a significant impact on your chances of developing hypertension. That is why the American Heart Association has compiled a list of five things you can do to help fight hypertension.
- Know your numbers:
Most people diagnosed with high blood pressure want to stay below 130/80 mm Hg, but your healthcare provider can tell you your target blood pressure.
- Work with your doctor:
Your healthcare provider will help you make a plan to lower your blood pressure.
- Make a few lifestyle changes:
In many cases, this will be your doctor’s first recommendation, likely in one of these areas:
- Maintain a healthy weight:
Eat healthier. Eat lots of fruit, veggies, and low-fat dairy, and less saturated and total fat.
Reduce sodium. Ideally, stay under 1,500 mg a day, but aim for at least a 1,000 mg per day reduction.
Get active. Aim for at least 90 to 150 minutes of aerobic and/or dynamic resistance exercise per week and/or three sessions of isometric resistance exercises per week.
- Take your medication:
If you have to take medication, take it exactly the way your doctor says.
For more information, visit the American Heart Association and the CDC, see more helpful articles, guides, and resources.
American Heart Month Toolkits 2021. (2021, January 19). Retrieved February 01, 2021, from https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/american_heart_month.htm
Five Simple Steps to Control Your Blood Pressure. (n.d.). Retrieved February 01, 2021, from https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/high-blood-pressure/the-facts-about-high-blood-pressure/five-simple-steps-to-control-your-blood-pressure#.Wsz8oWZlKM9