
International Women’s Day!

International Women’s Day!

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2021-03-05 13:40:48

Today, we want to make a special recognition to more than 1,000 women who are part of this organization, who, with their empathy, leadership, and commitment, inspire us to continue building a better future.

We are convinced that they bring value, not only to the company but to our society. Therefore, we are working daily to continue to be leaders that foster diversity and gender equality.

Currently 29% of our leadership roles and more than 150 positions that have traditionally been assumed by men, are now being held by women. Such examples include jobs like mixer truck drivers, maintenance officers, laboratory technicians, and scale operators, among others.

This confirms our vision that differences unite and enrich us. We believe diversity in its many forms characterizes the organization and encourages us to go above and beyond to achieve the proposed objectives.

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Some benefits for women in our organization

  • Extended breastfeeding leave
  • Gradual return after maternity leave
  • Breastfeeding rooms
  • Female empowerment
  • Promotion and professional development
  • Parking for expectant mothers
  • Flexible hours, telecommuting, and proximity work
  • Health programs such as breast cancer prevention

Acknowledgments received by Argos on the matter:

  • In the top 5 cement companies in Honduras, we are number 1 in better working conditions for women.
  • We are the 9th company that best manages its talent, according to Merco.
  • We have the gold certification of the Equipares Seal in Colombia and SIGENERO Panama; we are in the process for the Dominican Republic.
  • We participated in the planning and development of the Women in Construction (WINC) committee of the Puerto Rico General Contractors Association (GCA).
  • We participated in forums at the United Nations, in New York, and in Chile as a benchmark in the industry and the region.
  • We have diversity committees in Colombia, the USA, Panama, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Haiti, and Honduras that help us create a better work environment by ensuring everyone’s voice is heard.
  • UNDP and SPOTLIGHT REGIONAL have selected us as a pilot company in the Caribbean, Central America, and Colombian regions for the GES-VCM program that promotes the construction of environments free of gender-based violence.
Tags: #DíaDeLaMujer, #EquidadDeGénero, CreamosValorSocial, Diversidad, Inclusión, Regional USA | Fecha de publicación: 2021-03-05 13:40:48
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