
New Argos Fleet

New Argos Fleet

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2021-06-02 16:23:44

Our Florida market has just received twenty new Mack mixers being prepped for deployment across Florida. These new trucks will be in deployment in Orlando and surrounding markets. However, they are currently being stored until the registrations are complete, the drive cams installed, and all proper safety inspections are conducted.

However, these aren’t just your regular mixing trucks. This new fleet is outfitted to help spread the word about our new Argos ONE app. With these decals, we hope to see an increase in participation with our app from customers at job sites and even commuters on the road. These are only the first of many! several other markets will begin seeing mixer trucks with these new Argos ONE logos. So make sure to keep a sharp lookout.

If you are in or around our Orlando market, make sure you keep and eye out for these new trucks, and safely take a picture and share it on one of our many social media sites using the hashtag #ArgosONE

Tags: #ArgosONE, #NewTrucks | Fecha de publicación: 2021-06-02 16:23:44
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