
We received a Gold Medal in the S&P Global 2022 Sustainability Yearbook

We received a Gold Medal in the S&P Global 2022 Sustainability Yearbook

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2022-02-01 11:46:57

For promoting and implementing excellent environmental, social, and corporate governance practices and for being recognized as a world leader in sustainability in the construction materials sector by the Dow Jones Global Index, we received the Gold Class distinction in the 2022 Sustainability Yearbook awarded by S&P Global firm.

“This recognition is a result of teamwork and the permanent commitment of Argos to build a better future in which the creation of value for society and for the company is our greatest motivation. We will continue to strengthen our initiatives and strive to positively contribute to the responsible development of our sector and the well-being of our stakeholders, to enable a more sustainable, prosperous and inclusive society.”  María Isabel Echeverri, Legal and Sustainability Vice President

This year Grupo Argos, our parent company, and Celsia, the group’s energy business, were also recognized with gold and bronze, respectively.

“We congratulate Cementos Argos on its Gold Class Award in The Sustainability Yearbook 2022, which showcases the best performing companies among industry peers and in terms of financially material ESG metrics. With over 7,000 companies assessed, an inclusion in the yearbook is a true statement of corporate sustainability excellence. Manjit Jus, Managing Director and Global Head of ESG Research at S&P Global

Over 7,500 companies from 61 industries participated in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment and based on their results, were classified in the gold, silver, and bronze categories.

Other initiatives that led Argos to obtain this recognition:

  • In 2021, we shared our commitment to mitigating climate change through two challenging goals: to reduce by 2030 CO2 emissions by 29 % in its cement operations and, by 2050 to offer carbon neutrality, aligned with the Net Zero ambition of the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA).
  • Currently, we have three credits linked to the performance of ESG indicators.
  • We adopt different sustainable transport alternatives such as: train, hybrid mixer trucks, gas tractors and electric trucks.
  • We implement the “Green Bags” program, which consists in the recollection of the bags used by customers and then delivering them to companies that will reuse them, following reverse logistics guidelines.
  • We use calcined clays and other supplementary cementitious materials to produce low-carbon cements.
  • We operate with renewable electrical energy sources, as is the case of the solar farm in Honduras.
Fecha de publicación: 2022-02-01 11:46:57
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