
What Did the French Groundhog see when He Woke up?

What Did the French Groundhog see when He Woke up?

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2021-02-05 13:58:26

His château!

This past Tuesday, 2/2/21, was Groundhog’s Day! The lovely day where we look to the animals to see if spring is just around the corner or winter will last even longer. There are several groundhogs the United States watches including, the 132-year-old Punxsutawney Phil, Charles G. Hogg of Staten Island, and General Beauregard Lee. He has two doctorates from the University of Georgia in Groundology.

Punxsutawney Phil: Saw his shadow, indicating six more weeks of winter.

Charles G. Hogg: Did not see his shadow, indicating an early spring.

General Beauregard Lee: Did not see his shadow, indicating an early spring.

The history of the holiday is quite fascinating. According to the New World Encyclopedia, the traditions we know today came from the Germans, whose rule said a badger would walk out of its hole if there was snow but retreat inside if the sun was out. They then brought the custom to the United States. The Pennsylvania Dutch gave it their twist by replacing badgers with groundhogs.

In 1885, the first official groundhogs day was held in Pennsylvania, watching for Punxsutawney Phil became an official event. Since then, other cities have started looking to their own groundhogs, like New York’s Staten Island Chuck and Georgia’s General Beauregard Lee. Whichever furry forecaster is your trusted favorite, cross your fingers for a speedy, shadow-free spring.

Tags: Regional USA | Fecha de publicación: 2021-02-05 13:58:26
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